Individuals who have earned their Destination Management Certified Professional (DMCP) designation demonstrate the highest level of knowledge and commitment to the destination management profession. Â Search on all or part of name and/or location.
DMCP Directory
DMCP Directory
Erin Schrepfer DMCP
Associate Professor Delgado Community College
Rachel Schumacher DMCP
Accent Indy, a DMC Network Company
Jennifer T Selley DMCP
General Manager Imprint Events Orlando, a DMC Network Company
Kris Shea DMCP
Vice President, Partner Juice Studios, a Hosts Global Member
Alli Shebek DMCP
Director of Experience Design PRA Chicago
Zorianna Smith DMCP
Managing Director PRA Northern California
Barbara J Barb Smith DMCP
Owner Eventis Destination Services - Palm Springs
Morgan Snower DMCP
Event Manager The Destination Manager
Eugenia Solano DMCP
Executive Vice President TAM Travel Costa Rica, a Global DMC Partner
Laurie Sprouse DMCP, CITE, CMP
President Ultimate Ventures, a DMC Network Company
Leah Starr DMCP
Account Executive The Destination Manager
Ms. Valerie Summers DMCP
Business Development Destination Musick City, a DMC Network Company
Elizabeth Lili Susana DMCP
ETHOS Event Collective - Florida