Individuals who have earned their Destination Management Certified Professional (DMCP) designation demonstrate the highest level of knowledge and commitment to the destination management profession. Â Search on all or part of name and/or location.

Mr. Marc Schwabach DMCP CIS CITP
Primary Representative DMCP
With a strong academic background in Economics (MBA), and after holding positions in the telecommunications and hospitality industries in Germany and Spain, in 1998 I became CEO and Co-Founder of Ambiance Incentives, Destination & Event Managment Company in Spain. DMCP (Destination Management Certified Professional), CIS (Certified Incentive Specialist) and CITP (Certified Incentive Travel Planner).
I am proudly contributing to the MICE industry, serving as Member of the Board of Directors at ADMEI (Association of Destination Management Executives International) since January 2020. I have also been Board Member of the SITE Spain Chapter 2013-15, Jury Member for the SITE Crystal Awards in 2013, 2014 and 2015, and Member of the Education Committee of the ADMEI International Conferences in Barcelona 2017 and Houston, TX 2019.