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ADMC Change of Ownership

Accredited DMCs are required to promptly notify the Commission regarding any information that reflects significant changed circumstance in the business, eligibility, geographic scope, corporate status or structure, insurance, financial, or any other information that is modified from that provided to the Commission with the initial application or renewal form, including but not limited to change of name, transfer of ownership, or the merger, consolidation, or acquisition/sale of the DMC.  Such notice does not imply automatic transfer of Accreditation.    

Fields marked with an * are required.

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DMC Information

... that this is a permanent non-residential office.

Point of Contact

Chief Executive Officer
Please complete if different from the Point of Contact.


... please explain.

Please list all other owners with ownership interest in your DMC.

Branch and Subsidiary Information

... please state the name and corporate status of the DMC as well as the parent company.

... list name, type and corporate status of all subsidiaries. Also, provide a sample of disclosure statement of subsidiaries to the client.

Please list all other company owned offices and branch locations of the Destination Management Company to which this reaffirmation application applies.  Provide the key contact, full address and phone number for each.  

Corporate / Operations Status

... that Destination Management remains the primary business i.e., more than 80% of your revenue comes from DMC services.

Scope of DMC Activities

On average, how many programs does the DMC provide services for annually?

What is the average annual revenue from DMC services?


Please list the

  1. company names
  2. contact information (including e-mail addresses)
  3. program date
  4. services provided 

of three (3) client references from three (3) different sources (at least two must be clients for which the DMC performed Destination Management services within this calendar year). One (1) must be a client using three (3) of the five (5) core DMC services (event management, tours/activities, transportation, entertainment, and program logistics).

DMO Membership

... that the DMC or one of its representatives still belongs to the applicable Convention and Visitors Bureau (CVB), Tourist Bureau, and or local Chamber of Commerce for your designated service area. (You must maintain membership in each city you have company-owned offices, branches, subsidiaries, and affiliates.)


It is a requirement of the ADMC® Program that your company maintain the following business insurances to protect the ability of your firm to serve its clients. Please provide certificates of insurance or other evidence of coverage that your DMC maintains in its name and not in the name of its clients’.   International applicants: Use the same approach. We can assure you equivalent insurances are available in Europe and throughout the world. An absence of such insurances regardless of reason would prevent ADMEI from re-affirming a DMC.

Commercial General Liability
Property (including property in transit)
Non-owned and Hired Auto Liability
Worker's Compensation
Professional Liability Errors and Omissions

Please upload your current COI(s) in PDF format.

20MB max

General Liability insurance must be at least $2 million USD or the highest allowed by your country to qualify for accreditation. If you meet this requirement, select $2 million USD below. If your coverage is less than $2 million, please type in your explanation.

DMCP Requirement

Your DMC must employ an individual(s) with a current Destination Management Certified Professional (DMCP®) designation. Please note that you must have one valid DMCP® physically in each company owned office, branch, subsidiary, and affiliate.


... of the DMC and agree that to the best of my knowledge, all information contained and supporting documentation in this application are true and not misleading, that all of the information in this application and supporting documentation is accurate and complete, and that I reasonably and in good faith believe that the requirements have been fulfilled.

This Destination Management Company agrees that it currently complies with and will continue to comply with and maintain the Standards for ADMEI-Accredited Destination Management Companies at all times during the period of accreditation.

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